Home > Shoreline Sentinel > Shoreline Sentinel March 2024




Well, we are in March, and spring is just around the corner. It seems like just yesterday we were in September and the Good News Club® program was getting started. Now we are at the tail end of our school year ministries. We are very thankful for what the Lord has been doing in clubs. February was a fantastic month, during which we had a total of 21 new children start attending Good News Clubs throughout the chapter. This is a very good number of new children. We also had two new clubs start, which helped in the number of new children that started attending. The most exciting is that we had two children pray to receive Christ during the month of February. PRAISE THE LORD!!

Several of our clubs will be ending this month. Most of the ones that are ending are ones that have been meeting since the end of September and beginning of October. There will be some that will continue to the end of the month and into April. One thing that we are going to try to do this spring, before the summer ministries begin, is to try to have some six-week clubs throughout the chapter. These clubs could be in schools, in people’s homes, or parks (depending on weather). If you know of a place where we can have a six-week club, please contact our office and we can get the club scheduled.


Spring is just around the corner, which means summer is not far behind. We are looking for people to host a 5-Day Club® this summer to help reach the boys and girls throughout the chapter. At this time, we have three clubs scheduled for this summer. Our goal is to have 18 clubs, so we are looking for 15 more clubs to schedule. Are there children around you that need to hear the Gospel? If you answered yes to this question, you can have a 5-Day Club. Please contact our office and we will get you scheduled to have a 5-Day Club. In the box, you will see dates and times that you can have club.

July 8—12

July 15—19

July 22—26

July 29—Aug 2

Aug 5—9

Aug 12—16






Spring Banquet

Just a reminder that our spring banquet for Newaygo and Lake counties is March 26 starting at 6:00 p.m. at First Baptist of Fremont. The theme is “Jesus loves All the Children of the World.” We will be putting a big emphasis on the ministry that is going on in Lake and Newaygo counties. If you have not yet signed up, please contact the office or one of our committee members to reserve your tickets. There is a flier attached telling you all about the banquet. Hope to see you there!

Summer volunteers

Because summer is our biggest time for ministry, we need lots of volunteers to help us in different areas. One of the areas we need help in is driving. We need people willing to drive our summer missionaries from club to club either for a day or maybe even the entire week. If this is something that you might be willing to do, please contact our office. Another place we need lots of volunteers is in our fair and festival ministry. We need people willing to help with crowd control, face painting, handing out prizes, and (if trained) to do a Gospel presentation. This is where you can make a huge impact in children’s lives. In the box, there are dates of all our fairs and festivals that are coming up this summer. If you see one that you would love to help in, please contact our office.

Fairs and Festivals

March 16

Family AfFAIR

June 8

Asparagus Festival

July 12—13

Bitely Homecoming

July 17

Kid’s Expo

July 19-20


August 5—10

Newaygo Co Fair

August 6—10

Western MI Fair

August 20—24

Oceana Co Fair


We are proud to announce that Sean has successfully completed his requirements to be an Instructor of Teachers Level 2. This means that he is certified to teach in Teaching Children Effectively 2 (TCE). Sean is considering doing some more training to get certified to teach some other classes for Child Evangelism Fellowship® as well. This will also help him to be a more effective teacher, not only for Shoreline but the entire state of Michigan and maybe outside the state.

In April, Wendy will be going to Lansing to teach in an Instructor of Teachers Level 1 course. Sean also has been asked to tag along to help in some areas during this training time. This is a two-week course that will be held in Lansing. Please be praying for Wendy as she prepares the classes she will be teaching. Also, she is planning to help another teacher get their credentials in this class.

There are plans to have a TCE 1 or 2 in the area in the fall. If you are a children’s worker and you want to improve your teaching to children, TCE 1 is a great course for you. In this course, you will learn how to evangelize children through The Wordless Book, memory verse, and Bible lessons. If you’ve already taken TCE 1, then you are eligible to take TCE 2. In this course, you will learn how to encourage the saved child to grow in their faith through missions and Bible lessons. For more information on any of these courses, please contact our office and ask for Wendy.

Virginia Campbell has been a faithful worker for Child Evangelism Fellowship since she was 13 years old. She has served in the Shoreline Chapter as ministry coordinator for the past seven years. Virginia has felt the Lord calling her away from CEF for a time. We will greatly miss Virginia and we wish her well as she seeks the Lord’s will in her life and ministry.

We would like to give a special thank you to New Life Cartridges, Jim and Julie Draper, donating a brand new printer for the Shoreline office. This was a huge need and we praise the Lord for their willingness to donate this printer.

Summer Missionaries

We are so thankful for the five teens that have committed to working with us this summer. The teens have started their support raising by sending out letters and talking to people when they get a chance. The goal for this summer is to raise $20,000 to cover their training, travel expenses, pay for the summer missionaries that are being paid, and other ministry needs. So far, the teens have raised $900 for the summer. We praise the Lord for what He has provided so far. We’re praying that the Lord will provide the other $19,100 for our teens. Please be praying with us that God will provide the rest. If you would like to help the teens, please make checks payable to CEF with “summer ministry” on the memo line. You can also give through PayPal by putting “summer ministry” on the memo line. Please be praying for these teens as they are starting to prepare for their training right now.

We would like to give a thank you to the craft ladies at Aetna Calvary Church for making bags for our Good News Club children, and little Wordless Books to give to the children to use as a witness for Christ.

We are in need of volunteers for the Family AfFAIR on March 16 at Mason Co. Central High School. We will be open from 10 a.m.—2 p.m. We need help with crafts, games, and Gospel presentations. If you would like to help us, please contact our office.